Online Veterinary Technician Schools

online veterinary technician schools

Veterinary technicians are always expected to take on significant responsibilities in a veterinary establishment. While the duties of vet techs may not be as comprehensive and extensive as those of a veterinarian, they are still required to carry out many clinical and administrative roles that require significant training.

Naturally, when considering a training program as an aspiring veterinary technician, most candidates assume they must enroll in an on-campus program. However, several online training programs for future veterinary technicians are accredited, well-established, and operate at a very high educational standard.

Despite being online programs, these programs have been approved to train new veterinary technicians because they have proven they can provide the necessary theoretical and practical training.

The Need for Online Programs

The National Association of Veterinary Technicians is responsible for creating educational standards that all veterinary technician training programs nationwide must adhere to. Even though brick-and-mortar training programs can provide highly comprehensive training, some candidates, particularly those with other real-world commitments or who simply desire more convenience and flexibility, need a program that only requires their presence sometimes.

Of course, given the lofty criteria and educational standards these programs must meet to be accredited, there are few around.

These are some of the reasons why online veterinary technology training programs have become so popular. They allow candidates to receive comprehensive training online without traveling long distances.

They are also capable of providing hands-on training and clinical experience. Moreover, candidates may also leverage their time in an online program to network with other professionals and take advantage of employment opportunities.

What to Look for in an Online Veterinary Technician Program

The following are some of the most important criteria that all prospective veterinary technicians must look for in an online training program.

  • Convenience & Flexibility - Convenience and flexibility are two of the most common reasons individuals opt for online vet tech programs. Thankfully, several top-class programs offer comprehensive training with enough flexibility, so candidates need not compromise on these criteria.
  • Quality Theoretical & Hands-On Training - Candidates must ensure they enroll in an online vet tech program with a reputation for high-quality training. Just because a program is distance-based doesn’t mean it has to compromise on quality.

Of course, one of the best ways to ensure the quality status of an online vet tech program is to consider its accreditation.

  • Accreditation - Enrolling in an accredited online vet tech program makes it easy for candidates to qualify for the Veterinary Technician National Examination and start their careers straightforwardly. The American Veterinary Medical Association’s Committee on Veterinary Technician Education and Activities accredits offline and online vet tech programs.

We discuss more on accreditation for veterinary technician programs in the concluding section.

Online Vet Tech School Accreditation

The American Veterinary Medical Association’s Committee on Veterinary Technician Education and Activities – AVMA-CVTEA accredits veterinary technician programs nationwide. The Committee utilizes strict quality criteria to decide whether or not a program will receive the much-coveted accredited status.

The AVMA-CVTEA accredits all of the entries above. In addition to having a straightforward entry path to begin their careers, candidates who attend these programs can rest assured that they are receiving a quality education tested by qualified professionals.

They will also enjoy the networking opportunities and career growth possibilities that attending a CVTEA-accredited program offers.

These programs may be structured as associate of science (AS), associate of applied science (AAS), or bachelor’s degree programs. Candidates typically have to meet some requirements themselves to be admitted.

These include having a competitive high school GPA, letters of recommendation, immunizations, and (possibly) SAT/ACT scores.

While it may be possible to work as a veterinary technician in certain states without attending a CVTEA-accredited school, most states will ask for this requirement. Additionally, candidates must graduate from such a program before they can sit for the crucial Veterinary Technician National Examination.

Accredited Online Vet Tech Programs

The following are some of the top veterinary technician training programs that fulfill the quality criteria highlighted above.

Penn Foster College

Penn Foster College offers several top-quality online healthcare programs, including a highly respected veterinary technician training program. One of the highlights of studying here is that the school has strong partnerships with several veterinary clinics and hospitals nationwide, including Banfield and BluePearl.

Accredited by the CVTEA, accepted applicants will receive rigorous training in 73 credit courses before hands-on training in a real-world environment. Topics of focus include anatomy and physiology, clinical parasitology, radiography, medical mathematics, and anesthesiology.

Like most veterinary technician training programs, graduates will leave with an associate degree. However, those who wish to receive a more advanced degree after graduation may enroll in the Bachelor of Science degree program in Veterinary Technology.

Jefferson State Community College

Located in Birmingham, Alabama, Jefferson State Community College offers a 76-credit Associate Degree in Veterinary Technology program that is notable for its graduate placement rate. According to data released by the school, 100% of those who graduate from here will receive job offers after completing their program.

The school is also notable for having several scholarship opportunities, particularly for distance students, which they may use to cover the cost of books, tuition, uniforms, equipment, and more.

The courses include key topics in anatomy and physiology, clinical procedures, anesthesia, animal pharmacology, small and large animal nursing, and diagnostic imaging.

Jefferson State Community College graduates had a first-time pass rate of 69% in the veterinary technician national examination between 2020 and 2023.

Purdue University

Purdue University in West Lafayette offers an online veterinary technology program that the CVTEA accredits. The program is expected to be completed in 36 months, and students will learn the key topics they need to know to secure employment as soon as they graduate.

With a 96.4% first-time pass rate on the Veterinary Technician National Examination, graduates of this program typically have an easy time getting their careers started the right way.

They will have to pass through 27 didactic courses before moving on to the clinical experience and mentorship part of their training. Topics of focus include laboratory animal health, large and small animal nursing, veterinary management, clinical pathology, pharmacology and pharmacy procedures, and animal parasitology.

Students of this program will also enjoy access to an array of support resources, including an academic success center and an online writing laboratory.

Colby Community College

Colby Community College in Kansas offers an online associate of applied science degree program in veterinary technology, which aspiring veterinary technicians can use to launch their careers from the comfort of their homes.

Candidates have three windows in the year to enroll, including January, June, and August. The program comprises 82 credits featuring basic nutrition, animal breeds, animal facility management, veterinary clinical care, clinical chemistry, pet medicine, and animal facility management.

Part-time students can complete the program in 8 terms, and full-time students can complete their training in 4. The school has a first-time VTNE pass rate of 74.3%.

Ashworth College

Ashworth College offers one of the country’s most popular veterinary technology training programs. Located in Georgia, candidates of this program enjoy rigorous classroom training online through a very flexible and self-based learning arrangement.

They will also be able to receive 270 hours of hands-on practice and clinical experience to develop real-world familiarities before securing employment.

Courses include small animal husbandry, pharmacology, anatomy and physiology, animal restraint, diagnostic techniques, veterinary practice management, and therapeutic techniques.

The program boasts experienced instructors and relatively affordable tuition (it is typically recognized as one of the country’s most affordable online veterinary technician programs). The CVTEA accredits it.

Dallas College

Dallas College has an online veterinary technician program that is notable for its several scholarship opportunities. It is also one of the options on the list where candidates can choose between on-campus and distance education options.

Regardless of their choice, students who apply here can rest assured that they are enrolling in a program accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association’s Committee on Veterinary Technician Education and Activities.

The program can be completed in 24 months, after which candidates will graduate with an associate degree. The curriculum includes topics ranging from veterinary pharmacology, parasitology, and veterinary radiology to surgical assistance, anesthesia, veterinary nursing care, and equine clinical management.

The school had a VTNE first-time pass rate of 67% between 2019 and 2022.

Saint Petersburg College

The highlight of Saint Petersburg College’s veterinary technology program is the eleven million-dollar, newly built modern facility on the school’s Florida campus. This facility is available for both on-campus and distance-based students.

The program contains 73 credits, covering small animal breeds, animal behavior, veterinary office procedures, pharmacology, anesthesia, physiology, and animal nursing.

Saint Petersburg College’s veterinary technician program had an 80% VTNE first-time pass rate between 2020 and 2023. The program also boasts a graduate placement rate of 93 - 97%.

Medaille College

Medaille College’s associate of science program is a wonderful avenue for aspiring veterinary technicians seeking a flexible yet comprehensive online program. It includes various classroom resources and a provision for in-person clinical experience training.

The program boasts experienced instructors and ample mentorship opportunities. It also includes dedicated training materials to prepare students for their veterinary technician national examination. Those looking to practice as vet techs in New York will also meet the licensing requirements by applying for this program.

In total, candidates must complete 72-credit courses to graduate. Topics include farm animal restraint, nutrition, anesthesiology, veterinary dentistry, diagnostic imaging, and small animal emergency care.

Along with the associate degree option, students can also improve their skills by going for the Bachelor of Science program after completing the associate program.

North Virginia Community College

North Virginia Community College offers an online veterinary technician program preparing students for employment in veterinary hospitals, pharmaceutical animal colonies, research laboratories, and zoological parks. A notable highlight of attending this program is that despite being an online program already, applicants still have a chance to choose between full-time and part-time arrangements.

The 68-credit courses include topics in animal dentistry, anatomy and physiology, clinical pathology, and animal pharmacology.

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